
This is a personal blog for a person. I don’t expect much in the way of readers, but sometimes I feel I need a place to write that isn’t a journal. So, hello there.

The name comes from a poem.

Mud Puddle Kiss, Slogging Through The Rain With Her…
by Linford Detweiler

Here’s an idea
Let’s grab this life and wring its neck with joy
So that when it comes time to die
When we find we have no breath left
It is because we willingly strangled ourselves
With love
Fell down dead
And mostly happy

I named this a few (several?) years ago before I lost the entirety of the blog and had to start over. It was, simply, a poem I loved. Now, with a bit more life experience under my belt, the poetry holds greater meaning for me.

A few bits about me:
– rather obsessively interested in food (and perhaps beverage)
– avid reader (in my case: out of shape introvert)
– agnostic/atheist (former xian)